Let me begin by saying Japan was hit by a natural disaster I think very few of us will ever be able to comprehend. Lives were wrecked and uprooted in the course of a single day. Look around and be thankful for every single possession and infinitely more important, your health and the health of those around you.
Hearts were breaking around the world for those affected by this tragedy, yet some people still felt it necessary to use the Internet as a platform for what they felt needed to be said.
The first example I stumbled upon was a young college student attending UCLA. She posted a video about "Asians in the library," and how they all had downright terrible manners. She even went on to mention the Japanese students and although they were probably calling family members to make sure they were still alive, you could at least go outside. Right?
Wrong. She's come under a lot of heat about the video and although I do feel she should be reprimanded, I think it's gone a bit far. She's received threatening messages and her class schedule has been posted as to perhaps encourage violence. Let's not tolerate ignorance, but let's not spread hatred in the same foolish way.
I then came upon a video of another young woman saying that the catastrophe in Japan was straight from the hands of God. You see, Lent had just begun and Christians all around the world were praying for atheists to wake up. This, by all means, was God literally shaking the Japanese people and telling them to stop sleeping. Right?
Wrong. We aren't living in the times of the Old Testament. From what I've learned growing up, God is loving, compassionate and forgiving. Why would He punish innocent people? Innocent children, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers alike? And even more so, if that really is true, why would anyone want to worship and give thanks for such a disaster?
I think these two instances genuinely upset me since I too am a young American girl. I've lived in Asia for some time now and Korea is gut-wrenchingly close to Japan. I mourn for the Japanese people and all the work that has to be done in the next several years. How could people be so malicious? How could a human being be so inhuman?
But it doesn't take misfortune for some people to spread their own types of ignorance, unfortunately. Not only is YouTube being utilized, as the two examples above show, but Facebook has given a microphone to anyone and everyone, becoming a terrifying stage for those who choose to use it. Which is how I came upon this jewel of a status:
Expatriate: a person who has renounced his or her native country. Here are some suggestions on countries you can move to since you are so unhappy with the United States: Libya, Burma, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Tibet, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, China, and Cuba. Re-post if you agree.
I was absolutely horrified and somewhat offended when I read this. I truly believe, with every inch of my being, that this is what makes Americans so unlikable. I have traveled to several countries in the past three years and never once have I felt uncomfortable, out of place or in real danger because of my heritage. Yet, I see people on Facebook proclaiming that "I shouldn't have to press 1 because I live in America and I speak English. Damnit!" As an expat living in South Korea for the last seven months, knowing no more than 35 Korean words, I am ashamed to know people that could be so unpleasant.
I suppose this is just out of frustration. In the wake of tragedy, I would like to see world citizens coming together. But it seems in dire times, we'd rather stick with what we know.
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